DIY Life Planner for the New Year!

In anticipation for another year coming to a close, I reflect on the previous years to improve and grow as a person for the years ahead. So I settled on the idea that deep inside my very being is an inner need and a want to be more organized this coming year and the years ahead.

To kick off this new found goal, I’ve decided that a life planner is where I would like to start. So, in deep desperation to find the PERFECT planner,  I scoured the web to find one that fits all my needs. Although I’ve used several planners throughout the years, I’ve never found one to my full satisfaction. With that in mind, I decided to create my own for the new year.

Check it out!

Life Planner 2015

Life Planner 2015

I created my cover using card stock paper from Michaels (this one pictured came in a bundle for less than $7.00). I cut the card stock to size, which was about 7 in x 9 in. You can download free fonts through

Now for the meat of the planner. I decided that it was essential to have the following items in my planner: a monthly expenses tracker with monthly savings goals, a cleaning check list to keep my house nice and tidy, a menu planner for the week, a water and milk section, and of course that dreaded daily exercise everyone claims we don’t have time for.

Here’s a sneak peek!


I hope this inspires you to create your own! Good luck.

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