
Elma & Jerwin

Bio: Jerwin and Elma met in college, while taking Philosophy 101. They're story begins in the school parking lot. Every week, after class, Elma would rush to the parking lot to get to work. Driving home, Jerwin would drive up next to Elma, attempting to get her attention. As the semester went on, he would park next to her car and they would drive off together. On the last day of class, as always, Elma rushes to the parking lot and Jerwin stops her. He gathers up the courage to ask Elma for coffee. Sadly, she turns him down. Three months later, while Elma was in her car, getting ready for class, a stranger comes up and taps on her window. She looks up and there he was waving at her. Somehow fate brought them back together. Elma agrees to have that coffee with Jerwin. He sweeps her off her feet and the rest is history! Two years later, December 12, 2012, on the school parking lot, Jerwin gets down on his knees and asked Elma to marry him. She of course said yes!

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